Sunday, March 2, 2008

Super G Skis Kill it

So this is uber late, but, whatevs...

Last weekend was epic. Saturday, the weather was a tad overcast, but, whatever, who was super-g training day. We basically had White Lighting all to ourselves so that was pretty sweet. It was my first time running anything remotely comparable to a super-g course, let alone my first day ever on super-g skis. haha It rocked. The course was first two runs (also my first two runs on the super-g boards) were sketchy at best, but I felt like I had it more dialed the third and I felt like a rock star for the fourth. haha I'm sure I sucked, but man was it fun...after we took the course down, the key three and Robbie opted for the ever crucial lunch-on-the-lift (which means we werent a bunch of sallys and ate our lunch on the lift to bag a few extra turns). I think this was the only time where I have said that Heavenly was saweeeeeet! It was amazing to rip high speed arcs and feel that solid and stable...I can't really remember where we went after that, but I remember ripping down blue streak and then switching to GS skis...which felt like noodles after the morning's events. The rest of the day was awesome, I think we just bashed bumps with the kids all day.

Saturday night turned into a tuning marathon on my part...hammered out three pairs of skis and a couple, um, cups of, um, the midst of it all, we were planning out the Triple Crown race which was to take place on Sunday...since it's generally full of middle aged, overweight, speed suit laden men, it seemed appropriate for me to make a complete mockery of it. For starters, I tried on Cordell's speed suit, just to make sure the fit was appropriate. Money. So, I rocked it out on Sunday.

Sunday, Cordell and company set a 60 gate SL course on White haha it was ridiculous...I wasn't coaching, just I dabbled in the course, but got worked a few times, so just stuck to the backside...not to mention it was incredibly difficult to ditch out on the backside...snow was super soft, air was cool, bumps were i stayed back there until it was time for the big race. hahahaha Needless to say, I was as ridiculous as possible...even carried my GS skis up to the start, grunted, growled, made a ton of noise hahah I beat Larry, so, it's all good...

In the afternoon all we did was bash bumps and bump races with the kids...probably the most amazing day of training I've ever been a part of...everyone had a blast, the kids seemed to pick up on a lot, and parents seemed super pumped. On the way home that day, it dawned on me that I coach along side of, coach some of, and are supported by some of the most amazing people I could ever imagine. I had such an awesome feeling after that day, but was pretty bummed when I realized it was practically over...

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