Sunday, March 2, 2008

Shred Liberty can be pretty fun...

This past tues, I was wrapped in Gore-Tex, sweating my ass off. This past thurs, I was wrapped in my down jacket, trying to stay warm...doesnt make sense, but it sure as hell works out.

Thursday was sick. Cordell set a killller slalom course on White Lightning. I felt pretty good, felt like i was being more aggressive than usual, and had a freaking ball! After we pulled the course, the key three when threw it down on the ol' backside...lower eastwind's bumps weren't quite what we were expecting - read big and firm. However, upper Strraaaaaata was killer! The bumps were perfectly spaced, and they were blowing snow on it...since it was so cold, the snow was super soft and not grippy. Nice. Lower strraaaaata wasn't bad was a ghost town so it was nice to just let the skis run...another solid outing for the Key Three

On Friday, we FINALLY pulled the trigger on the plane tickets...jesus christ...we rode it out, and basically got shafted on airfare...instead of buynig them for 300 bucks a month or so a go, we had to drop like 500+ and fly outta Philly...but who gives a shit, I'm going to Utah with the raddest bad asses in all the land hahaha I'm stoked...but before that, JAY PEAK, WOO! haha

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